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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Where is it, I'm sure I saw it just the other day?

I'm on a search for black thread, I'm sure I have some somewhere. It's one of those things you're sure you saw on the bookshelf, no, on top of the fridge, no, it was definitely on the floor in a corner by the chest of drawers. But it's not in any of these places! I'm very frustrated, I'm sure I have about six reels of black thread but can never find them so I go and buy yet another one. I'm making a little felt car for Jeremy for valentines and it's missing the wheels on the right hand side. I started making it at work where there is a plentiful supply of black thread, but now alas I am having a black thread drought.

Anyway, to take my mind off the futile search I will show you my new Gocco print.

Right then, I've found some black bookbinding thread, which is rather thick, but it'll have to do. Back to sewing...

1 comment:

JewelRee said...

Hey, thanks for contacting me! =)

Oh, I didn't really understand what you meant by tags? Sorry he-he