I got so frustrated yesterday. I had a list of a few items I needed to get from an art shop. If I was in Melbourne I'd know exactly where to go and that the shops would have what I'm after. But not in Belfast! It's so difficult moving to a new place, even though Belfast isn't technically a new place for me, I'm just not used to it and I don't know the secrets! Although I think the secret is you have to buy everything on line because Belfast just doesn't cater to the specialist market of printmaking supplies, grey board or 0.5 2B pencil leads! I have to get used to it and realise Melbourne has nearly 4,000,000 people whereas Belfast has 267,500, so it's obvious really that supplies will be more limited here. Grrrrrr! I've been spoilt!
Oh, hold on, I'm baby sitting my nephew and he's just woken up, I'd better go and see if he's ok.................................................
................................................................ok, nephew on knee here, now there's one thing melbourne doesn't have, my wee nephew! oh and Belfast has a BRILLIANT display of birds in the museum. Here are a few more drawings, I did these yesterday.

Grey Heron

Brent Goose

belfast is great in a lot of ways... you just need to get used to it again... :o)
art supply stores are horrific with printmaking supplies here in the US, so I'm used to my shopping being online-only.
those sketches are lovely, especially the depth of the Brent's eyeball (weird comment, maybe, but honest!).
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