I've been working most days in the gallery that I work in at the moment. My boss is away so my shifts have increased from once a week to four days and I'm just not getting much of my work done, hence no blog posts!

But I've finally managed to print a few of my smaller crow plates. I've in fact made all eight plates into an artist book which I have yet to bound, but which hopefully will be included in my exhibition in September. I have also printed a number of the plates separately exclusively for my etsy shop which you can view here.
The prints are dry point and carborundum on 6 x 6cm recycled copper plates. I used the back of other plates for these, I wanted them to be rough and have lots of foul bite marks but many were a lot cleaner than I had hoped! But I feel they have turned out similar to how I planned. I really like the thick dark grainy tone of the carborundum and enjoyed painting straight onto the copper.
As I learn all these little bits and pieces of technique and experimentation I get more and more excited about moving to Belfast at the end of September and getting into the Belfast Print Workshop and work larger scale again. I'll definitely miss Australia but I'm glad I'll not have to endure Melbourne summer next year. I would indeed prefer 9 months of winter than experience another summer like the last one!
Fantastic, exciting work.
Really look forward to what you achieve when you reach Belfast!
Loving your crows - they are really inspiring and magical.
Em :-)
Bridget, I love your crows!
My dearest friend has just moved to Fitzroy, right around the corner from Rose St :) hope to see you there one Sat, before you leave. Jo
Beautiful - I really like these. Are you selling them?
Jo, I met your friend, she came to rose street a few weeks ago!
Melbourne Vintage, yes, I have them for sale on etsy.
love your dr who crochet work!!
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