Now, the PC laptop has died, oh no! I'm typing this from Jeremy's new laptop (a mac) but it doesn't have photoshop, it doesn't have dreamweaver, I can't scan things onto it, or print things from it or put my photos on it...So, blog posts have somewhat come to a halt! I'm contemplating getting a new laptop (a mac!) but it seems such a lot of money!! I'm just hoping the PC resurrects, it did before. Fingers crossed!

While I'm here I should also mention my new website. My friend Anna of AnnaLaura helped me understand the world of Dreamweaver and I got quite far until the above mentioned struck. I've still got a few things to add, but most of it is there! I think it's far better than the attempt I made by myself with the horrible 'page mason' program!
Bridget your website looks great! How lovely to see all your prints together like that. Good luck with the computer thing. I had mine stolen last year so I kind of get what you're going through. Go the mac route!
Bless you and your laptop traumas! Your website looks great by the way. I love the style of your work, and I think that your drawing translated into prints through etching look amazing. You're v talented! ;0
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