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Monday, January 21, 2008

My new toy

After wondering what a gocco print was from seeing so many mentioned on I started researching into this medium. It is basically a simple home screen printing set invented by a japanese man about 25 years ago. This was before households had computers and he believed everyone should have the means to print their own invitations and cards. I became fascinated by this machine, and wooed by the beautiful images other artists had created using print gocco. So I bought myself one on ebay, found the instructions in english on the internet (the ones supplied were in japanese!) and last week I made my first print. I'm now hooked.

Seven Australian Magpies

This is my first gocco print.

Three Female Satin Bowerbirds

This is my second gocco print.

Now I need to buy more paper so I can make more more more!

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